General Skills Visa

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You may have the skills needed by Australia, even if you think you don't. Each year, Australia plans ahead for the shortages of skills needed for their growing economy, and you could well be one of what they are looking for. There are MLTSSL (Medium and Long-Term Strategic Skills List) and STSOL (Short-Term Skilled Occupation List).

Application to this permanent residency visa is not automatic, but through a robust competitive system called the SkillSelect. Under this system, one must first submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) to the government and be invited to apply (ITA). The entrance to this stream is based on a Point-Test system currently set at minimum of 60 points to qualify.

The following common streams of visa for this subclass are:

  • Skilled Migration - Independent

  • Skilled Migration - State Sponsored

  • Skilled Migration – Employer Nomination or Regional Sponsored (ENS/RSMS)

  • Recent graduates of Australia

We will conduct a detailed assessment of your skills including assisting in securing a State to sponsor you (under State Sponsored), negotiate a good contractual work agreement for you (under ENS stream).


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