Spouse and Marriage Visa


You've finally met someone you love, and of course you want to be with them for the rest of your life. Congratulations!

Love knows no boundaries, but what if you are now in one country whereas your partner is in another? In short, one of you could be in Australia while the other half is not. This is what I like to call 'love so near yet so far'. 

If you or you other half is an Australian, Permanent Resident or an Eligible New Zealander - and either of you want to sponsor the other half for an Australian residency to stay, live and work indefinitely in Australia; talk to us now. We may be able to help close the distance between you.

Even if both you and other half is in Australia now but only one of you is an Australian, Permanent Resident or and Eligible New Zealander; getting a valid residency visa for your partner is not as complicated as you think (or heard). We may be able to help you. Talk to us now. We have good listening ears and most importantly, we also have love that we want to continue flaming just as you!

There are various subclasses of this visa type:

  • Partner visa onshore and off-shore.

  • Prospective Marriage.

Talk to us now. We have good listening ears and most importantly, we also have love
that we want to continue flaming just as you!

Book an appointment with us now using the form below - and we will return to you for a chat.


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